आदर्श चम्पारण डिग्री कॉलेज, कोटवा

( A Permanent-Affiliated Unit of B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur )

!!SEMESTER-II(2024-2028) ADMISSION LOGIN IS LIVE NOW!!               !!SEMESTER-II(2024-2028) ADMISSION LOGIN IS LIVE NOW!!               !!SEMESTER-II(2024-2028) ADMISSION LOGIN IS LIVE NOW!!               !!SEMESTER-II(2024-2028) ADMISSION LOGIN IS LIVE NOW!! !!SEMESTER-III(2023-2027) ADMISSION LOGIN IS LIVE NOW!!               !!SEMESTER-III(2023-2027) ADMISSION LOGIN IS LIVE NOW!!               !!SEMESTER-III(2023-2027) ADMISSION LOGIN IS LIVE NOW!!               !!SEMESTER-III(2023-2027) ADMISSION LOGIN IS LIVE NOW!! !!SEMESTER-I(2024-2028 & 2023-2027) EXAMINATION ADMIT CARD!!               !!SEMESTER-I(2024-2028 & 2023-2027) EXAMINATION ADMIT CARD!!               !!SEMESTER-I(2024-2028 & 2023-2027) EXAMINATION ADMIT CARD!!               !!SEMESTER-I(2024-2028 & 2023-2027) EXAMINATION ADMIT CARD!! !!TDC PART III 2022-2025 ADMISSION FORM LOGIN!!               !!TDC PART III 2022-2025 ADMISSION FORM LOGIN!!               !!TDC PART III 2022-2025 ADMISSION FORM LOGIN!!               !!TDC PART III 2022-2025 ADMISSION FORM LOGIN!!

Oct 16, 2023: noticeTransaction fee charges would not be refunded/ reversed under any circumstances for any refund/ reversal /chargeback and any other reasons.Transaction fees charged would be borne by cardholder for any payment.. Fees once paid which are non-refundable for any reason or any clause of ADARSH CHAMPARAN DEGREE COLLEGE,KOTWA.. T&C, privacy policy & contact us details are need to be update on website.

Nov 1, 2023: notice 'Notice for TDC Part-I Exam 2023(2023-2027)'

Jan 29, 2024: notice 'Notice for TDC Part-I/SEM-II (2023-2027)- Class Notice'

Feb 21, 2024: notice 'SEMESTER-II/2023-2027 CLASS ROUTINE'

Feb 28, 2024: notice 'पहचान पत्र (2023-2027) वितरण के बारे में सूचना। '

Mar 13, 2024: notice 'Semester-II Mid Term Exam Routine'

Apr 1, 2024: notice 'Notice for TDC Part-II(2022-2025) Exam Form'

Apr 14, 2024: notice 'TDC PART-II 2022-2025 Practical Exam_Routine '

Dec 19, 2024: notice 'Semester -1 (2024-2028) Practical Exam Routine'

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ADARSH CHAMPARAN DEGREE COLLEGE, KOTWA is located in Kotwa, heart of East Champaran a district in Tirhut Commisionary.This college is permanently Affiliated with Baba Saheb Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Muzaffarpur, in Arts, Science, Commerce in Bachelor degree. Here is an oppertunity to learn from well qualified and experienced teachers. We have provision for N.S.S. career counselling and Remedial Classes time to time. This college always helping students for their development in all field.

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Principal- Prof. Supriya Kumari
Prof. Dinesh Chandra Rai, Hon'ble VC